Ladies, we did it! We just wrapped up our Spring/Summer Style School.
To my Lifestyle members, thank you for your participation. Your engagement was the key to making this event tremendously successful! It was incredible watching each of you push your boundaries and embrace new styles. Your style and confidence soared, and it was truly inspiring to witness
Everything you learned in Style School will support you for months to come. Now you can find it all in one easy place. I’ve collected all of the Style School content, recordings, and tutorials here so you can refer to them whenever you’d like.
Not a Lifestyle member yet? That’s okay! You’ll notice that while this event was exclusively for Lifestyle members, we want you to get access too—even though you couldn’t attend live!
Become a Lifestyle member right now, and you’ll get access to the entire Style School “Curriculum” immediately!
We have such a great time together in Lifestyle. Come have fun with us!