Not everyone’s skin is the same. Obvious, right? But most skin care products are advertised to give us all the same photoshopped look. At Dressing Your Truth, we help you love your skin as it is—and support its natural movement. Some faces have texture, while other skin is sensitive. See which of the 4 Types of skin you have, support your Type, and avoid aging prematurely. Most importantly, dress your truth! You’ll be surprised at how your complexion looks and feels the best it ever has.
Your skin is more beautiful than you give it credit for. Learn how to work with your unique skin’s strengths and challenges. Your complexion will glow.
20 Lifestyle Secrets That Keep You From Aging Prematurely
“Carol, you look amazing! What’s your secret?” If you said this to me in conversation over lunch one day, first…
How to Not Age Yourself Prematurely – 4 Tips You Need to Know
You may have noticed a positive shift in the beauty world these days as women embrace their own process of…
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Transform Aging Body Skin: Discover Our Solution
Are you tired of feeling embarrassed by the visible signs of aging on your body’s skin? As women, we frequently…
4 Types of Skin: Which One Describes You?
Picture yourself in front of the mirror. You lean in close, and you look at it again: a flaw in…
Your Aging Skin is Craving This
Did you look at yourself in the mirror this morning and see more drooping than you’d like to? Are you…
How to Unlock Anti-Aging Skincare Benefits, Head to Toe!
You’ve been enjoying the benefits of anti-aging skincare for your face and neck, but what about the rest of your…
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Two Things That Are Making You Age Faster Than You Need to Be
When you think of skincare, you think of your face, right? And you should! You take such good care of…
#1 Essential Skin Care Step Most Women Skip
Want in on a little beauty secret you might not know about? I didn’t even know how important this step…
Puffy Eyes? My 3 Simple Fixes For You
Puffiness? Dark circles? I’ve been there. It’s frustrating to wake up every morning and see your eyes this way. Part…
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Over 50
Is Your Neck Revealing Your Age? #1 Way to Reverse This (Photos Inside!)
When it comes to anti-aging, are you taking care of your face but forgetting about the body part that ages…