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How to Take Risks With Your Hair & Have It Pay Off! #EnergyProfilingWithCarol

Get a style that's effortless and totally you!

Ever take a risk with your hair and…it didn’t go so well?

You can laugh about it after the fact, but now you’re more than ready to have a hairstyle that feels totally you.

This episode of #EnergyProfilingWithCarol is all about how you can find the hairstyle that is effortless and perfect for you!

Every Type of woman can have a jaw-dropping hairstyle. Let’s see how you can have yours!

Here’s a quick list of what we covered in today’s show:

(9:00) – If you don’t feel happy or comfortable with the styles you choose, do this hair clearing. Countless women in our Lifestyle have had huge breakthroughs with this healing session.

(10:00) – My first guest is Beth, who discovered her Type 1/3 energy all on her own—and she trusted herself to find a hairstyle that fits her natural expression. Listen to how she talked to her stylist to get what she wanted.

(21:36) – We bust some Types-specific hair myths and I show you new and updated hair galleries to help you choose the perfect style.

(24:00) – My second guest is Judy, a Type 1 woman who can see the possibilities of what her hair could be. She’s not happy with it now—but she wants to take a risk. She’s ready! See what I recommend for her. (Yes, it can be this simple!)

What is your hair wanting from you? I’d love to hear what it is. Leave a comment below!

This episode of #CarolTuttleTV had a giveaway exclusively for our Facebook followers that is now closed. To watch #CarolTuttleTV live and be eligible for our giveaways, follow me on Facebook.

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