Once you learn about Energy Profiling, you want to know the Types of everyone in your life!
That’s why I’ve put together the following Celebrity Gallery for Type 4. Share it with your friends and have fun with Energy Profiling!
Type 4 – Bold & Stunning
A person with a dominant Type 4 expression is naturally constant, still, precise, exact, and structured. They have a natural gift to step back, see the bigger picture and outcome, and know-how to perfect it. They can be seen as too critical and negative by others, due to their natural response to see the flaw first. They tend to have very porcelain skin and a dominance of parallel lines in their sculptured facial features.
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The Official List of Type 4 Celebrities
Addams, Wednesday
Archuleta, David
Arnaz, Desi
Arthur, Bea
Atkinson, Rowan
Ayoade, Richard
Bates, Kathy
Baez, Joan
Ball, Lucille
Beckham, Victoria
Belichick, Bill
Belliston, Joe
Bennett, Jonathan
Berry, Halle
Bledel, Alexis
Bowie, David
Brady, Tom
Brosnahan, Rachel
Brosnan, Pierce
Bullock, Sandra
Bush, Barbara
Carey, Jade
Carlton, Vanessa
Carpenter, Karen
Cavill, Henry
Chanel, Coco
Clinton, Hillary
Cowell, Simon
Cox, Courtney
Cruise, Tom
Cumberbatch, Benedict
Danes, Claire
Damon, Matt
Day-Lewis, Daniel
Dench, Judy
Depp, Johnny
Diamond, Neil
DiCaprio, Leonardo
Dockery, Michelle
Duke, Annie
Efron, Zac
Eilish, Billy
Evans, Chris
Fallon, Jimmy
Ferrera, America
Ferrell, Will
Fishburne, Lawrence
Fortune-Lloyd, Jacob
Foster, Jodie
Fox, Megan
Foxx, Jamie
Fraser, Brendan
Gable, Clark
Galecki, Johnny
Gokey, Danny
Goldstein, Brett
Groban, Josh
Hamilton, Eliza
Hartman, Sam
Hathaway, Anne
Hawking, Stephen
Hepburn, Audrey
House, Rachel
Houston, Whitney
Jackson, Samuel L
Jefferson, Thomas
Jobs, Steve
Jones, Carolyn Sue (Morticia Addams)
Jones, Nora
Judd, Ashley
Judd, Wynonna
Katie, Byron
Kelce, Donne
Kilmer, Val
Kimmel, Jimmy
Klum, Heidi
Knightly, Keira
Kondo, Marie
Lady Gaga
Lauren, Ralph
Lawrence, Jennifer
Lee, Amy
Lennon, John
Leoni, Tea
Levine, Adam
Levy, Dan
Lewis, Russell Dennis
Lincoln, Abraham
Lombard, Carole
Macfadyen, Matthew
Mara, Roony
McCain, John
McDermitt, Josh
McGovern, Elizabeth
Metz, Chrissy
Montessori, Maria
Moore, Demi
Mosaku, Wunmi
Moss, Carrie-Anne
Musk, Elon
Nayyer, Kunal
Nedoroscik, Stephen
Nicks, Stevie
O’Connor, Sinead
Odom Jr., Leslie
O’Donnell, Rosie
Olsen, Mary-Kate
Onassis, Jackie Kennedy
Ortega, Jenna
Ory, Megan
Paltrow, Gwynneth
Parsons, Jim
Perkins, Sue
Perry, Katy
Phoenix, Joaquin
Pinkett-Smith, Jada
Plummer, Christopher
Poppins, Mary
Portman, Natalie
Post, Emily
Presley, Lisa Marie
Princess Catherine (Kate)
Queen Camilla of England
Queen Elizabeth II of England
Queen Mary of Denmark
Rashad, Phylicia
Reagan, Ronald
Reeves, Keanu
Ridley, Daisy
Rondstadt, Linda
Ryder, Winona
Saldana, Zoe
Sheen, Charlie
Sheeran, Ed
Shelton, Blake
Shields, Brooke
Shiffrin, Mikaela
Simpson, Lisa
Smyers, Dan
Soo, Phillipa
Spade, Kate
Spencer, Octavia
Stefani, Gwen
Stewart, Kristen
Stewart, Patrick
Stone, Emma
Stone, Sharon
Taylor, Elizabeth
Theron, Charlize
Tomlin, Lily
Tongi, Iam
Trump, Ivanka
Tyler, Liv
Walton, Sam
Washington, George
Waterston, Katherine
Watson, Emma
Williams, Michelle
Wilson, Carl
Wood, Elijah