Once you learn about Energy Profiling, you want to know the Types of everyone in your life!
That’s why I’ve put together the following Celebrity Gallery for Type 3. Share it with your friends and have fun with Energy Profiling!
Type 3 – Rich & Dynamic
A person with a dominant Type 3 expression is naturally driven to action and big results. This Type of person has a very swift, confident movement that pushes things and people into action to get it done. They can be overly confident at times without enough details in place and jump in too fast. They tend to have more textured skin, chiseled facial features, and a dominance of angles in their facial features.
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The Official List of Type 3 Celebrities
Ackie, Naomi
Allen, Debbie
Armstrong, Lance
Ashley, Simone
Bacall, Lauren
Bacon, Kevin
Bailey, Halle
Balfe, Caitriona
Bardot, Brigitte
Barr, Rosanne
Bassett, Angela
Bergman, Ingrid
Berry, Mary
Bialik, Mayim
Biden, Joe
Biles, Simone
Blanchett, Cate
Blige, Mary J
Blume, Judy
Bon Jovi, Jon
Borstein, Alex
Branson, Richard
Brown, Brene
Bush, George W
Bush, George HW
Cameron Bure, Candace
Carter, Ruth E.
Cash, Johnny
Channing, Stockard
Charles, Ray
Chiles, Jordan
Churchill, Winston
Clarkson, Kelly
Close, Glenn
Collins, Phil
Cook, David
Craig, Daniel
Crawford, Cindy
Curtis, Jamie Lee
Cyrus, Miley
Davis, Ann B. (Alice – Brady Bunch)
Davis, Bette
Deneuve, Catherine
Dern, Laura
Di Martino, Sophia
Dinklage, Peter
Dion, Celine
Djokovic, Novak
Dormer, Natalie
Drummond, Ree
Edison, Thomas
Elba, Idris
Elliot, Sam
Favre, Brett
Fonda, Jane
Ford, Harrison
Gadot, Gal
Getty, Estelle
Goldberg, Whoopi
Goldsberry, Renee Elise
Graham, Lauren
Hall, Daryl
Hamilton, Alexander
Hammil, Dorothy
Hampshire, Emily
Harris, Kamala
Hasselhoff, David
Hayek, Salma
Heller, Marielle
Hendricks, Christina
Hepburn, Katherine
Hill, Faith
Hunt, Helen
Jackman, Hugh
James, LeBron
Janey, Allison
Jenner, Kris
Johnson, Betsey
Johnson, Dwayne
Joplin, Janis
Kaling, Mindy
Kennedy Jr., Robert F.
Keough, Riley
Kidman, Nicole
Knowles, Beyonce
Kravitz, Zoe
Lamarr, Hedy
Leroy-Beaulieu, Philippine
Lilly, Jen
Lissing, Daniel
Liu, Lucy
Lohan, Lindsey
Lopez, Jennifer
Loren, Sophia
MacLaine, Shirley
Madden, John
Madigan, Amy
Markle, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
Massoud, Mena
Matlin, Marlee
Mbatha-Raw, Gugu
McDormand, Frances
McVay, Sean
Mendes, Eva
Menzel, Idina
Michael, George
Michaels, Jillian
Midler, Bette
Momoa, Jason
Moore, Mary Tyler
Morisette, Alanis
Morrison, Toni
Mortensen, Viggo
Mr. T
Murphy, Annie
Nadal, Rafael
Newman, Paul
Obama, Michelle
Obama, Barack
O’Brien, Conan
O’Hara, Catherine
Oh, Sandra
Park, Ashley
Parker, Sarah Jessica
Parks, Rosa
Penn, Sean
Perón, Eva
Petty, Tom
Phelps, Michael
Pitt, Brad
Plum, Eve (Jan – Brady Bunch)
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
Radnor, Gilda
Ralph, Sheryl Lee
Razat, Camille
Redford, Robert
Rivers, Joan
Robbie, Margot
Roberts, Robin
Robinson, Jackie
Robinson Peete, Holly
Roosevelt, Teddy
Rudolph, Maya
Sachse, Dominique
Sarandon, Susan
Schuyler, Angelica
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Selleck, Tom
Settle, Keala
Shearer, Clea
Shriver, Maria
Singh, Lilly
Simpson, Bart
Skarsgard, Alexander
Skelton, Sophie
Smith, Maggie
Somers, Susanne
Starr, Ringo
Stewart, Rod
Swank, Hilary
Swift, Taylor
Thompson, Tessa
Truman, Carol
Trump, Melania
Trump, Donald
Turner, Tina
Tyler, Steven
Union, Gabrielle
Vance, Usha
Ventimiglia, Milo
Waddingham, Hannah
Walker, Andrew
Walters, Barbara
Wardle, Graham
Warwick, Dionne
Watts, Naomi
Weaver, Jacki
Weaver, Sigourney
Welch, Raquel
White, Vanna
Williams, Serena
Wilson, Dennis
Winfrey, Oprah
Winslet, Kate
Woodley, Shailene
Yeoh, Michelle