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Warm & Cool Colors: What Does it Mean in Dressing Your Truth?

Can every Type of Beauty wear warm and cool colors?

Is every tint and shade a warm color? Is every tone and hue a cool color?

These are common questions among the Dressing Your Truth community. But you don’t have to wonder anymore, because I explain how it all works in this video. You’ll discover how Dressing Your Truth differs from other color theory systems, and how every color is an expression of energy—just like you.

The answer to these questions is both no and yes. But how can that be?

(00:19) As you learned in the Beginner’s Guide, Type 1 wears tints, Type 2 wears tones, Type 3 wears shades, and Type 4 wears hues. Let’s pull out the color wheel to review how these colors are created.

(1:03) The “no” comes from understanding color theory.

(1:25) The “yes” comes from understanding that in Dressing Your Truth I teach color as an expression of energy.

(2:28) These examples show how “cool” blue can be a warm expression, and how “warm” red and be a cool expression.

Remember, DYT is a system of matching elements of dress to the energy of your natural movement and expression of energy. Now that you understand this you can confidently wear every color of the rainbow!

Your Style Guides are your key to applying your new color skills, get yours in the Style Kit!

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Enjoy these other videos about each Energy Type’s colors:

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