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5 Tips for Choosing a Hairstyle for Your Lifestyle

Are you ready to find the hairstyle that’s just right for you?

In the Dressing Your Truth experience, Carol teaches that if you follow the 5 components of style, you will easily create a personal style you love.

The 5 components of style should all follow the 5 elements of Dressing Your Truth. If you need a refresher on the 5 elements, take a moment to watch that section in your online course. The 5 components of style include:

1. Clothing

2. Accessories

3. Makeup

4. Hairstyle

5. Personal Development.

Your hairstyle is crucial in order to help you find and express your unique and personal style.

Many women have said that it wasn’t until they found a hairstyle that honored their unique expression of their Type of beauty that they truly felt their look was complete. For help in finding your perfect hairstyle, watch the hair segment in your online course, and we also recommend the July 2015 Evening With Carol, “How to Bring Your Secondary Energy into Your Hairstyle.”

Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when choosing a hairstyle that is perfect for your lifestyle:

1. Daily Maintenance

Consider how much money you are willing to spend in styling your hair. This will include the cost to wash it with the correct products and also the cost of styling products.

Do you enjoy styling your hair? If so, you may not mind if it takes extra time in your day to fix your hair. But if you prefer a hairstyle that’s easier to maintain, it’s important that you realize that about yourself. Some cuts require daily styling.

2. Salon Maintenance

How often are you willing to visit the salon? Some cuts require more visits to the salon. For example, straight cut bangs require touch-ups every 2 weeks, and shorter haircuts may require visits every 5-6 weeks. But on the flip side, appropriately timed visits to the salon can mean less time spent fixing your hair in the morning and a hairstyle that you absolutely love, which is priceless!

It pays to pay for good upkeep!

3. Coloring

Keep in mind that the further you venture out from your natural hair color, the more you’ll require touch-ups to maintain the look. Many women find that the upkeep is worth it to have the color that honors their Type of beauty. And many women feel that keeping their natural hair color is more true to their Type of beauty.

If you choose to color your hair, the same rule applies as above: there’s more of a time investment in coloring your hair with salon visits, or in your home if you color your own hair. Is this investment of time and money supportive to you loving your hair? If the answer is yes, it’s worth it.

4. Know your hair

Know what’s possible for your hair. Choose styles that are in alignment with your hair’s density, texture, ability to curl, etc. For example, if you have fine, thin hair don’t choose a style that works well on thick, curly hair. And vice versa.

5. Stay True to Type

And most important, stay true to the movement of your Type of beauty in the cut, color, and style you choose. You are amazing and beautiful, just because of the woman you are. Your hairstyle is an opportunity to honor your Type of beauty so that your true Energy comes forward.

Follow these 5 tips to help you find the perfect hairstyle for your lifestyle. We want every woman to make each day a “good hair day,” and to be able to say, “I love myself and I love my hairstyle!”

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