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5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Make Sure Every Outfit Is a 10!

Make sure you have all 5 Components to get a style that you love

Do you ever wonder why you get compliments on some days, but not on others? Do you still feel like you don’t totally “get it” and that your outfit is missing something?

Putting together a personal style that you love starts with understanding the 5 Elements, which you can find in the free Before & After course. But even with the correct design lines, texture, fabrication, pattern, and color, sometimes women feel off—like they’re not put together.

While these women may have their clothes figured out, there’s more to Dressing Your Truth than that.

Let’s go to another level of the DYT system and talk about the 5 Components of Style.

At the top of each of the Style Guides are keywords for your Type of beauty. Your first step is to take those keywords and apply them to each of the 5 Components of Style:

  • Clothing
  • “Is my clothing in alignment with the keywords for my Type of beauty?”

    This is the question you can ask yourself as you scan your outfit. You want to make sure that all aspects of your clothing match your energy—not just the correct colors of your Type! When you wear clothing that supports her whole movement, it’s the first step in creating your own personal style and feeling great in what you wear.

  • Accessories
  • “Do my accessories add pop/details/substance/a bold statement?”

    Your accessories are there to support you! Whether you’re putting on jewelry, scarves, shoes, or boots, your accessories will add more “mmph” to your look.

  • Makeup
  • “Does my makeup reflect my beauty code word in color and application?”

    Type 1: Cute – lighter and more youthful application and colors
    Type 2: Beautiful – elegant, blended, gentle application and colors
    Type 3: Hot – fiery and dynamic application and colors
    Type 4: Stunning – precise and bold application and colors

    (You can read more about the Beauty Code Words here.)

  • Hair
  • “Does my hair reflect the overall movement of my Type of beauty in its color, cut, and style?”

    Your hair can be broken down into three categories:

    1. Color: you can use your Style Guide as a tool to see if it’s harmonizing with your hair color. Do you need to lighten, darken, or add more highlights?

    2. Cut: use your keywords and shapes from the back of your Style Guides to determine your haircut. Do you see those shapes in your own haircut? If not, that could be what’s missing!

    3. Style: to get the correct style for your hair, you’ll want to use products from the Dressing Your Truth Online Store. Each hair product is designed to give you the look you want based on your hair type and your Energy Type. Our DYT products and hair tutorials truly make a difference and will help your hair look fabulous all day long.

  • Self-Care & Personal Growth
  • “Am I taking caring of my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health true to my nature?”

    Are you living a life where you’re making choices, true to your nature? Your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being are all important in creating a balanced life.

    When you take advantage of all the resources I’ve made, whether it’s my books, courses, or The Carol Tuttle Energy Healing Center, you will find yourself easily making better choices to create a fulfilling life and live your truth.

    Are you incorporating all 5 Components in your style?

    They make such a difference! Look at Christine’s Before & After:

    Christine 5 Elements

    Christine shares, “All 5 Components of Style are SO important! This summer I was barely sticking my toe into my Type 3-ness. I wore the pictured blouse then and felt horrible in it. I thought I felt bad because of the snakeskin pattern. Thought maybe I wasn’t a Type 3 because I didn’t feel awesome. NOPE! I had only 1/5 Components of Style. No wonder I felt horrible in this FABULOUS top! I included a pic of then and now. Thanks, DYT for the tools to be the rockin’ hot woman I am!”

    The 5 Components of Style even make a difference in how you feel and how you think about yourself. Here’s what Nathalie W. shared about the 5 Components: “Having all five is really essential!!! This system you have created is soo amazing! It took finally having all five components together to have people ready to really listen to me about DYT and want to do it now! I’m so excited to guide some of my friends to this program so that they can feel as beautiful as I do! Wow! I just broke down crying after typing that I am beautiful. I would have never thought or said that before DYT. I can’t thank you enough!!”

    Which of the 5 Components of Style is missing for you? How will you add it in today?

    Carol signature

    Lifestyle series for the 5 Components for every Type of beauty:

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