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How to Easily Transition from Knowing Your Type to Living True to It

You know your Type—now how are you supposed to "live" it?

Think back to the first time you discovered your Type. What was your reaction?

For most women, they typically have one of these two experiences:

1. They feel validated that they’re doing a good job being themselves and honoring their true nature.


2. Their mind is blown and they feel challenged showing up in the world true to themselves.

Too often, women have this second experience. They’ve lived in a compromised state for a long time where they haven’t been able to be themselves. They’ve been operating under the belief that their natural expression is flawed.

Sound familiar?

Now that you know your Type, here are a couple of tips to make the transition easier for you:

Type 1

You were taught to “grow-up” and be more serious in life, to be more responsible. The truth is you are a very responsible person. It’s when you take life too seriously that you get bogged down and don’t feel like following through on much.

Keep it light and fun in your life. You may not be used to this as you were taught, “There’s a time and place for light and fun things.” Well, in your world, that is your preferred state of being. Fun is not necessarily an activity—it’s a feeling.

Tips to help you live true to Type 1 movement:

1. Make sure you have something to look forward to in the near future—like next week. It doesn’t have to be a big thing! It can be as simple as painting your nails with a new nail polish color!

2. Listen to this short, yet powerful audio of Type 1 Affirmations every morning for a week. It will support you in connecting with your true energy and give you the confidence to live it. Use this audio anytime you need a boost in believing in yourself.

One of my favorite affirmations from this audio track that I think every Type 1 woman needs to memorize is:

I am noticing what is heavy in my life so I can make the necessary changes to keep things in my life light and fresh.

Type 2

You’ve been pushed and led to believe that you need to be more aggressive in life. This has caused you to not trust your subtle grace and power. As a result, you may have put yourself down and thought you were not enough.

We live in a fast-paced world that doesn’t seem to recognize more subtle relaxed energy Types of people. You will transition more easily into your Type 2 experience when you intentionally take care of your yin energy in this very yang world.

Tips to help you live true to Type 2 movement:

1. Make a plan for some quiet time 3-4 times a week. Take 30 minutes to go for a walk, be alone in your room to read or journal, or connect with a favorite friend over lunch. Planning time to connect with yourself and others in a relaxed atmosphere will calm and rejuvenate you.

2. Listen to this short, yet powerful audio of Type 2 Affirmations every morning for a week. It will support you in starting your day with confidence, knowing that your gentle, subtle energy is a gift to this world. Use this audio anytime you need a boost in believing in yourself.

One of my favorite affirmations from this audio track that I think every Type 2 woman needs to memorize is:

I am comfortable letting go of what is not honoring me.

Type 3

Ever feel like you’re too much, too loud, too busy, too whatever? You do not need to approach everything with a push-forward tenacity! Focus on balancing your substantial energy and directing it to that which creates value in your life. Make sure you have outlets where you can apply this dynamic energy, so you’re not directing it at the people you love.

Tips to help you live true to Type 3 movement:

1. Get physical. Whether it’s through working out, hiking in nature, or doing hands-on projects, you need something to push forward and see a result from. What is that activity for you? Work up a sweat, take on a new challenge, learn a new skill, or pick up an old one that you have been neglecting. Have an unfinished project? Dust it off and complete it. Don’t make housework your primary hands-on project! Although that result of a cleaner home can be rewarding, it’s not quite the same as a personal endeavor that you are passionate about.

2. Listen to this short, yet powerful audio of Type 3 Affirmations every morning for a week. They will help you honor and feel safe to show up as your confident, dynamic self.

One of my favorite affirmations from this audio track that I think every Type 3 woman needs to memorize is:

I am using my determination in ways that add value to my life.

Type 4

Since you may have been trying to soften yourself, you need to nurture your more bold, authoritative nature. Have you been telling yourself you need to be more social than you are? Do you self-criticize and put yourself down? This is most likely because you don’t have a healthy outlet for critiquing and perfecting aspects of your world!

1. What in your world can you take total control over and perfect with your critiquing eye? That may be as simple as perfecting your existing wardrobe and making your closet a simpler and more efficient space that you can enjoy on a daily basis. Maybe it’s a new makeup routine. I mention these as they only involve yourself. There are many areas in your life that you will support others with your natural gifts, yet it’s important for you to employ them in experiences where you can enjoy the freedom of a solitary experience.

2. Listen to this short, yet powerful audio of Type 4 Affirmations every morning for a week.

One of my favorite affirmations from this audio track that I think every Type 4 woman needs to memorize is:

I boldly move forward in life, honoring myself and others.

What’s one tip you can share with other Lifestyle members that helped you live true to your Type?

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