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Don’t Dress Your Age. Dress Your Truth.

Why "You're too old to wear that" is an outdated myth!

If you’re over 50, you might ask yourself, “Am I too old to wear this?”

Our culture has unspoken rules for what women can and can’t wear after a certain age.

At Dressing Your Truth, we throw away all those age-ism rules! I’m an advocate of “de-aging” and have successfully experienced that with not only my personal style but also with healthy lifestyle practices and anti-aging skincare. And you can too!

I’m joined by April, Michelle, Susan, and Sheryl—all beautiful women over 50 who dress their truth, not their age. Watch as they talk about how they were affected by rules from older generations, and what they do now to counteract those rules and feel authentically beautiful!

  • (2:18) Michelle shares some commonly believed “shoulds” for women over 50.
  • (4:48) How Sheryl picks and chooses from popular trends to keep her fashion fresh (avoiding “frumpy”).
  • (9:48) The high-five compliment that made Susan’s day!
  • (10:48) Tips for each Type to create great Dressing Your Truth (not your age) style!

New to the 4 Types? Watch my free Beginner’s Guide.

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