As you start the New Year, you’re setting goals and intentions, feeling ready to take on whatever comes your way in the next 12 months.
Along with being the creator of Dressing Your Truth, I have an extensive background as a practitioner of natural healing and energy work. In fact, it is that background that supported me in seeing and understanding the 4 Energy Types.
For years I have had a practice of studying the energetic offering or energetic theme of each year.
To see what natural energy is available to us, I took a look at the systems of numerology, astrology and the Chinese calendar.
I personally know if we align our goals and intentions with this natural offering, we are going to get further with less effort in achieving our desired outcomes. Think of it like being on an airplane, and the pilot guides the plane into an air current of a tailwind to help the plane move more quickly to its destination.
Based on my own understanding of these systems, which I have outlined in more specific details in this article on CarolTuttle.com, I started to see a theme and pattern developing.
What Energy Type does the year 2019 most closely resemble?
After studying what these systems teach about the energy of 2019, I created this descriptive word list. I was curious to see if there was a theme that aligns with one of the 4 Energy Types in my system of Energy Profiling.
What I saw surprised me!
Have a look:
Good fortune
Improved communication
New hopes
Which of the 4 Energy Types are you seeing in this word list?
If you concluded that the energetic signs are pointing to 2019 having the energy of Type 1, you are correct!
How exciting that we all can be beneficiaries of the power of Type 1 energy! 2019 offers us bright, new beginnings available to all of us. Even the Pantone Color of the Year is a Type 1 color—Living Coral.
2019 is a Type 1 year – Choose Your Type 1 Word of the Year
It’s a popular practice for people to chose a word for each new year. When you choose a word that represents what you want to experience, you create new opportunities for personal development. Try choosing a Type 1 word from the above list, no matter what Type you are!
If you have already chosen your word for 2019, just add a Type 1 adjective to give it more power. For example, if you chose the word “wisdom,” you could say, “I am grateful for all the opportunities presenting that bring more wisdom and truth to me.”
Take your word and create an affirmation using words from the word list above.
By doing this you are sending out into the world a powerful declaration to create more of what you want in your lie, and as a result, you will receive it. You have a huge opportunity to create what is more aligned with your life purpose with grace and ease.
What are you hoping for in 2019? What’s your Type 1 word? What is your affirmation for 2019? Share it in a comment and share with us why you desire this.
PS – To help you remove the interferences and limiting beliefs that are most likely going to be brought to the surface as a result of creating such a powerful intention, I created The Carol Tuttle Energy Healing Center. I encourage you to get involved. In fact, if I were you, I would start with my Stuck Quiz and my free Master Class to help you remove the potential for sabotaging yourself and settling for less than what your true potential is. You are ready, and I am there to help you.
Want more info on the energy of 2019? Check out this post: