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6 Tips to Get Your Closet Organized for Fall

Simple steps you can do in 1 hour or less

There’s a crisp chill in the air—the long days of summer are ending. With the change of season comes the opportunity to slide into your jeans and snuggle up with cozy sweaters and flannels.

But your closet…

Every time you think of it, you dread going in there and changing out all your clothes.

Organizing your closet doesn’t have to take all weekend! Here are 6 quick tips to get your closet organized for fall—and you can do it in an hour or less:

  1. First things first. Take out all your summer/spring clothes and get rid of anything you didn’t wear this summer. If there’s an item you really love, ask yourself if you wore it the previous summer. If the answer is still no, consider the possibility that you won’t wear it next summer either!
  2. Make space. Store your summer/spring wardrobe in a different closet or storage bin. This will give you more room and open up space in your closet for your fall clothes. When your closet is jam-packed with too much, it’s overwhelming to try and figure out how to put a great outfit together.
  3. Downsize again. Look over your fall wardrobe and get rid of anything you have not worn in 3 years or more. The reason you’re not wearing certain items is either because you really don’t like them, or they just don’t fit anymore. Move them along. When a woman feels defeated every time she goes into her closet, she is more likely to emotionally overeat since she feels so frustrated with her clothing options.
  4. Check for color. Ask yourself, “How much color do I have in my closet?” Most women own way too much black. Why? Because it’s easy to find and most women believe they look good in black. The truth about black is it actually can age women and drain their energy. Add more color and life to your closet! It will lift your mood and make it more fun to get dressed in the morning.
  5. Create groups. Organize your closet to make your wardrobe selection easier by grouping all like items. Put all the jeans together, all the tops together, all the jackets together, all the slacks together, etc. This makes it easy to select the individual pieces you need to put together great outfits and mix it up a bit so you don’t end up wearing the same old thing time and time again.
  6. Get your camera ready. When you combine the correct clothes with jewelry, shoes, and handbag, you feel great! You receive more compliments and gain more confidence. An easy way to remember all the great outfits you put together is to take a picture of yourself using your phone camera. Then, build a library of pictures that you can refer back to. Now you can either wear that outfit again or use the pictures as inspiration as you develop your personal style!

The fall can be a great time to organize your closet and hit the refresh button on your life.

As you step into your knee-high boots, step into the true version of yourself. Discover who you’re meant to be as you choose your outfits every day.

Even your hair and makeup can help you show up in the world as your authentic self. When you figure out your Type of beauty, you’ll feel better about yourself.

And when you look good and feel good, you’ll be free to do good in a world that needs your gifts.

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