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Tips to Take Risks with Your Style—No Matter Your Type! #EnergyProfilingWithCarol

How to let go of what's holding you back and embrace your Type of beauty

Do you take risks with your style? Do you want to, but your fear of what others think stops you?

On today’s episode of #EnergyProfilingWithCarol, we talk about how you can take risks with your style.

This broadcast will support you in breaking through those barriers and being true to yourself with your style.

Here’s a quick list of what we covered in today’s show:

(8:30) – My first guest is Marcia. She’s a Type 1 woman who takes risks that are true to her bright and animated Type 1 nature. What do her risks does it bring to mind that you would like to try?

(19:00) – Afraid to stand out? I talk about how we’re putting an end to shame-based beauty with Dressing Your Truth.

(24:30) – My second guest is Rachel, who is afraid to express the look she really loves. She’s transitioning out of a job that required a uniform into one with more style freedom. Listen to the tips for how a Type 4 woman can take a style risk with bold statements. (Due to technical difficulties, we lost connection at 30:22. Skip ahead to 31:56 where we reconnect.)

(43:43) – Meet Lisa, who is open to feedback on her Type! Let’s bring her on and profile her based on her facial features and body language. Which Type do you see?

Where is a place that you can take more risks in your personal style? Share in a comment!

This episode of #CarolTuttleTV had a giveaway exclusively for our Facebook followers that is now closed. To watch #CarolTuttleTV live and be eligible for our giveaways, follow me on Facebook.

Quick links to resources mentioned in today’s show:

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