It’s easy to get in a style rut, isn’t it?
You reach for the same items in your closet because you know they look good on you and you feel safe in them.
But you look at other women who all have an amazing, unique style and you think, “I wish I could do that too!”
Here’s the thing: You can! But something is holding you back. What is it?
Some of the most common reasons why women are afraid to take risks are:
1. “I don’t think I could pull it off.”
It’s common to think you’re just meant to stick with a basic style and that other women are meant to be more adventurous.
But that’s not true! I believe every woman is called to fully express herself through her style. Not only are you called, but you are also capable!
While some women go all in and transform their look all at once, you could choose one thing at a time to take risks with. You can be more daring in your colors, patterns, layering, jewelry, hair, makeup—anything!
Look at what Megan said when she started to take risks:
“Before I knew about Dressing Your Truth, I remember seeing a person wearing bold pink and yellow together and thinking, “I love that! I wish I could do that!” I don’t know why I didn’t think I could wear what I was drawn to naturally, but I don’t think that anymore! Dressing my truth has helped me know that I can wear what I always wished I could. (Or never knew I could. That definitely includes snake-print jeans.)” -Megan, Type 4
2. “I’m worried about what others will think.”
This goes beyond being afraid to stand out. This touches on a fear within us to belong and be accepted by our friends and family.
If you start expressing yourself more fully and taking risks with your style, what will they think?
I like to remind women that I have seen thousands upon thousands of other women transform their lives and become happier, healthier people when they embrace their Type of beauty.
The only person who matters is the woman you see when you look in the mirror. What does she think of herself? I invite you to prioritize your own wishes and let others focus on themselves.
3. “I’m too old.”
You may think now that you’re ____ (fill in the blank) years old, you need to dress your age. But what does that even mean? As a 61-year-old woman, I can tell you one thing: the idea of dressing your age is a myth.
There’s no rule that says older women cannot continue to love their style! Don’t dress your age. Dress your truth!
Look at what Marcia did with her style when she let go of this belief!
“I have realized I have been shy about dressing my truth. (4 1/2 years ) So I am trying to add more Type 1 to my look! I think being older I have felt I would look silly in some clothes, but I remembered how I loved seeing an older friend years ago in some of the things she wore.” – Marcia, Type 1
4. “I’m just a mom. Why bother?”
Moms aren’t the only ones who feel this way. Any woman who is expected to fit a certain role may also feel like she’s lost any motive to dress well.
But women of all walks of life share with our Dressing Your Truth community that they feel so much better when they set aside a small amount of time to get themselves ready every day.
Before you talk yourself out of it today, follow these steps to get out of the style slump and take a risk or two with your style!
Look at DYT Expert, Anne’s experience:
Anne shares, “This is the first jumpsuit I bought and I decided to just go for it with a leopard print one! I felt a little hesitant to wear it out, so I wore it around the house for a day and felt great in it! Incidentally, the same day I wore it, my Type 3 6-year-old daughter was also dressed head to toe in animal print! She was a such a great example to me of owning her style that I was encouraged to own mine even more!”
What’s something you’ve been wanting to do that you’ve been putting off? I invite you to go for it! Choose into it.
Don’t take risks just for the benefit of fashion. Take risks to develop your self-expression more and let it reflect the unique woman you are!
If you’ve already learned the basics of Dressing Your Truth and want to learn how to develop your style, join Lifestyle. We really get into personalizing, dressing for your Yin/Yang combo, and bringing in your secondary.