Still Unsure of Your Secondary Energy? 4 Tips to Figure It Out!

How to decide on your secondary Energy Type with more ease and confidence.

How to identify your secondary Energy Type with more ease and confidence.

Once you’ve determined your dominant Energy Type, an exciting journey begins—it feels like you’ve come alive!

Now, it’s time to figure out your secondary Energy Type—and this is where many people get stuck.

Your secondary Energy Type is important because it adds depth to your personality and influences your movement and behavior. However, it plays a supporting role, which is why I call it your secondary energy. Some people have an overdeveloped secondary that may be causing challenges in their lives. If that sounds like you, learning how to live true to your dominant Type will help you come back into balance.

The good news? Determining your secondary Energy Type is easier than you think. As you read this post, set an intention to find clarity!

4 Tips to Help You Identify Your Secondary Energy Type

If you’re unsure about your secondary Type, pay attention to these four key areas:

1. Look at Your Style

What do you naturally reach for in your closet? While your wardrobe follows your dominant Type’s Dressing Your Truth guidelines, you might notice elements of another Energy Type showing up.

For example, if you’re drawn to…

  • Sparkle, cute patterns, or animation → Secondary Type 1
  • Softness, flow, or intricate details → Secondary Type 2
  • Substance, texture, or structured fabric → Secondary Type 3
  • Clean lines, smooth fabrics, or minimalism → Secondary Type 4

I’ve seen time and again that women are naturally drawn to elements of their secondary Energy Type.

Pro Tip: Build your wardrobe around your dominant Type first! This helps you develop confidence in what you truly love. Your secondary style will come naturally as you refine your dominant look.

Want guidance on this? Our Lifestyle membership is full of videos that show you how to incorporate your secondary Energy Type into your style.

2. Look at Your Movement

You already know that Type 1 and Type 3 are higher movement, while Type 2 and Type 4 are lower movement in the Energy Profiling system.

But did you know there’s a range within each Type? Are you a higher or lower movement version of your dominant Energy Type?

Many women in our community have found life-changing clarity in this Yin/Yang Line-Up of All 12 Energy Type Combos video. They realized their movement was actually perfect—it was just a blend of their dominant and secondary energies!

3. Look at Your Thought Process

Your secondary energy may influence how you process information and make decisions. Pay attention to your natural thought patterns:

  • Type 1 Secondary: Quick, spontaneous thinking; jumps from idea to idea
  • Type 2 Secondary: Thoughtful and methodical; considers how choices impact others
  • Type 3 Secondary: Action-oriented and results-driven; wants to make things happen
  • Type 4 Secondary: Analytical and structured; seeks logic and clarity before deciding

4. Look at How You Handle Stress

How do you react under pressure? Your secondary Type might shape your response to challenges and difficulties.

  • Type 1 Secondary: Tries to distract from stress, seeks fun or humor
  • Type 2 Secondary: Withdraws, seeks comfort and reassurance
  • Type 3 Secondary: Pushes forward, takes action, and stays determined
  • Type 4 Secondary: Detaches, seeks control or structure to regain balance

How Each Secondary Energy Type Shows Up

Have you ever done something and thought, “Hmm… that felt like a different Type?” This may be your secondary energy at play!

Secondary Type 1

You naturally bring a lightness to situations, even if it’s not your primary expression. You may find yourself trying to make others laugh or shift the mood in social settings.

Secondary Type 2

You have a gentle quality that softens your dominant Type. You likely have emotional awareness and care about how others feel.

Secondary Type 3

You have a drive for results with an added intensity behind your dominant energy. You take on challenges but with a little less force than a dominant Type 3.

Secondary Type 4

You have a natural ability to step back and see the bigger picture. You also notice ways to perfect your surroundings, but not to the same extent as a dominant Type 4.

Ready to Finally Know Your Secondary Energy?

Join 15,000+ Lifestyle members who are learning more about their true selves—so they can fully live and dress their truth!

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How did you decide on your secondary? Share in a comment below!

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