“Why won’t my husband listen to me?” If you’ve ever said that, you don’t have to stay frustrated.
In fact, you might be surprised to find that you can change the pattern without changing him at all! There’s no need to feel the emotional abandonment or lack of emotional support that all too often occurs when communications break down between a married couple. Prevent a divorce with healthy communication.
Here are 3 surprising reasons your husband won’t listen to you.
Try out my tips and see what changes for you…
You talk too much (without saying more).
Because many women experience a feeling of not being heard, they try to make up for it by talking more than necessary during meaningful conversations with their husbands.
A husband will often stop listening to his wife after 10-15 minutes. When that happens, the wife intuitively notices she’s not being heard and talks more in an attempt to get his attention. Husbands pick up on an energy of resentment and often deal with it by tuning out even more. You’re basically getting the silent treatment. Have you ever experienced a moment like that in your married life?
Your husband can be a good listener if you just share what you want to say in a few minutes.
You catch your spouse at the wrong time.
Some women ask their husbands to listen when they’re already in the middle of something.
Of course, you want your husband’s attention, but if he’s already focused on something else, he naturally won’t be able to give it to you 100%. Talk before he starts a project, and if you don’t, respect his time and let him finish.
You believe he won’t listen.
If you’ve ever been caught in the first two patterns, you probably found yourself saying again, “My husband doesn’t listen to me!”
When you put that out there, you only set the stage for it to happen again.
Effective communication is the foundation of any successful marriage.
As a married woman, communicate what you need to your spouse. You deserve to have good emotional health and to avoid unnecessary conflict. But try something like this instead:
“Honey, I really want you to pay 100% attention to what I want to share with you. When could you give me that?”
It is okay and appropriate to expect that attention and time from your husband! When your spouse gives it to you, share what you want in a time frame that honors his attention and your needs.
He will be shocked when you say, “I’m done.” He will exclaim, “Really?” And he’ll be even more willing to listen the next time.
How to have better communication skills with your partner.
My husband and I used to have frustrating communication issues that left us feeling defeated. Over the years, we discovered new communication skills (our own love language) that honored both of us and supported each of us with feeling heard.
Now we communicate clearly and effectively even though we’re very different people! And we discovered this without spending years in marriage counseling.
We put everything we know into this life-changing course, The Rewarding Communications Course to help other couples just like you experience more understanding and ease in your relationship.
Thousands of couples have taken this course with wonderful results. Here’s what one of our Lifestyle members shared about her experience:
“Since starting the Rewarding Communication Course and practicing daily, I have noticed a big shift in our relationship. Myself being a Type 4 and him being a Type 3 often leads to a power struggle. Now, I consciously allow my husband to complete the task at hand without me sticking a comment in trying to perfect the task. The difference in his attitude towards me is amazing. I finally could see that allowing him to do his job gave him a feeling of confidence, not one of being inadequate. Thank you, Carol and Jon.” – Sara W.
Have you gone through The Rewarding Communications Course yet?
(Psst…if you’re already a Lifestyle member, it’s part of your membership for free!)
I’d love to hear your success story after going through this course. Share it in a comment below!

Quick links to supportive relationship resources:
- Are you a Lifestyle member? Check out this video series, Every Type Relationship Combo
- The Rewarding Communications Course