It’s a new season in the world of fashion trends, and women over 50 are being advised, yet again, to dress their age.
Any of these tips sound familiar?
“Avoid leather.”
“Tone down the animal print.”
“Keep your outfits simple and classy.”
“Feathers are in right now. Add them to your outfit for a soft, flowy elegance.”
Warning, warning! These are fashion myths that subtly send the message to mature women that the time for them to have fun and be beautiful has passed.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
Getting older doesn’t mean you have to wear clothes that make you look (and feel) old.
As women mature or become grandmothers, it’s all too common to see them take on a matronly look that doesn’t equally support their mature, feminine beauty.
Contrary to what popular culture tells you, your beauty doesn’t go away after you reach a certain age!
Within you is an ageless, feminine spirit that wants to express itself at all times.
There’s no age limit to beauty.
But when you dress your age, you unknowingly limit yourself!
Look at Marcy’s Before & After picture below.
Marcy is a bright & animated Type 1 woman who shows just how true it is that you cannot put an age limit on being “cute” and beautiful!
In her Before, you can see Marcy has a classic, simple, no-fuss outfit. Even her hairstyle, without animation or any uplifting quality, weighs her down.
But in her After, she looks more than a decade younger! Would you believe she’s 72 years old in this photo? She looks better than ever! #grandmagoals
Everything about her clothes, hair, and makeup support her bright and cheery energy. Her fun earrings and the pop of animation in her top are unexpected—not something you’d normally see in a “fashion for women over 50” advice column!
Now it’s time to see the real YOU come forward.
Here are two tips to help women over 50 nix the matronly fashion and dress true to who they really are instead:
Tip #1: Wear what you love.
The next time you’re in your closet, do a quick scan. Take out anything that stands out as “old” to you (even if it’s a fairly new item).
Give it away and give yourself permission to shop for items that really make you look and feel great about your beauty.
Tip #2: Discover your Type of beauty.
Energy Profiling is a system that identifies 4 main ways that everything in nature (including you and I) move through the world. It’s a system based on movement. Everything in this world has a movement and an Energy Type!
I invite you to take my free Dressing Your Truth Before & After course that will guide you to discover which Energy Type you are.
Then, you’ll be taken through a makeover that gives you confidence for the rest of your life.