Is Your Zodiac Sign the Same as Your Energy Type?

Are your Zodiac Sign and Energy Type aligned?

Astrology is a very complex system with many layers. Most people are familiar with what I call the “pop culture” version of astrology, where daily horoscopes are offered according to the signs of the zodiac. I have a basic understanding of astrology and want to acknowledge to any advanced students or practitioners that the information I am sharing here is a very surface look at the 12 signs.

I feel there is some value to understanding the energetic influence of astrology in your life. Like anything, it’s about the credibility of the source. I have a close friend who is a very schooled astrologer, and what I have learned from him about my birth chart, sun signs, and moon signs has been extremely insightful.

Is my Energy Type the same as my Zodiac Sign?

Most people know their sign. Mine is Capricorn. I am often asked if our Energy Types are parallel to or compatible with our signs. The answer is, rarely. There may be an occasional person, like myself, where there is a strong compatibility. But as a rule, they do not correlate.

Do you fit into one of these categories?

  1. Type 1 – Fun-loving, bright, optimistic
  2. Type 2 – Gentle, tender, sensitive
  3. Type 3 –  Passionate, driven
  4. Type 4 – Efficient, thorough

For more help on understanding your energy type, check out my tools below.


As a Type 3, secondary 4 Energy Type, my Capricorn sign is very compatible. I am very determined, I move forward with decisions in my life with confidence, and with my secondary Type 4, I have great follow-through and commitment.

Like my energy, it emphasizes these traits more. When I say I will climb a mountain (metaphorically or literally), I will!

When Energy Type and zodiac signs don’t match…

More often, someone’s Energy Type and sign are not as compatible. Take my husband, Jon, for example. He is a Type 2 with a secondary Type 1 energy. He is an Aries! His Energy Type is soft and calm, with attention to detail and an added lightheartedness. His Aries energy is another layer that influences him to be very outdoorsy and adventurous and a bit strong-willed at times.

Here’s how I see it: our Energy Type is the foundational energy of who we are. When we add the layers of our zodiac sign, we add diversity to who we are. Think of a house; the foundation of the house is like your Energy Type, and the rooms and design of the house are your zodiac sign.

Find your own sign.

Is your sign the same as your Energy Type?

  • Aries: March 21 – April 19: Fiery/Fearless

    Element: Fire, ruled by Mars: Aries people are determined, creative, strong-willed, and ambitious. They can also be moody and impatient. Their sign is fire, and this matches their passionate personality. They love humor and are easy to get along with. Aries tend to be loyal to their family and friends, and they are natural leaders.
  • Taurus: April 20 – May 20: Grounded

    Element: Earth. The Taurus is all about strength, stability, and reliability. They are practical and well-grounded. What may be interpreted as stubborn vibes by some is their natural gift of commitment. They stick to their decisions and carry out their plans to completion. They are generous and enjoy beauty.
  • Gemini: May 21 – June 20: Busy

    Element: Air. Gemini are adaptable, curious, and love to be around people. Naturally social creatures of the physical world, they dislike being alone and love to take action. Their sign represents twins, or two personalities, and this is expressed in a hot-and-cold moodiness. You never know which one you’ll get! They are inspiring individuals.
  • Cancer: June 21 – July 22: Warm

    Element: Water. Water elements love being home, being near water, and spending quality time with their family and friends. Imaginative people, they can be sympathetic with others as well as moody when influenced by their surroundings. They tend to keep private details about their lives to themselves.
  • Leo: July 23 – August 22: Regal

    Element: Fire. Leos are natural-born leaders who are driven by achievement and growth. While highly dominant, they’re also usually correct in their original statements. They are passionate, warm, creative, and generous people. Their bravery can sometimes come across as harsh, but their heart is in the right place as they bring people together.
  • Virgo: August 23 – September 22: Modest

    Element: Earth. Virgo’s are curious people, naturally seeking details and memories. They are kind and delightful to be around and have a gentle way with animals. Earth signs are independent and hard-working, but this can sometimes become unbalanced if they’re not careful.
  • Libra: September 23 – October 22: Balanced

    Element: Air. Libra’s are all about balance, harmony, justice, and stability. They tend to be gentle, but indecisive. They like good discussions and being with others, because strong connections are very important to them. Air signs are naturally peacemakers, they avoid confrontation at all costs.
  • Scorpio: October 23 – November 21: Intense

    Element: Water. Scorpio’s have a bold and creative personality, and they will continue to search for the truth until they find it. They are trustworthy people who can keep others’ secrets, although this can cause them to become closed off. Water signs like having a massive goal to strive for and have incredible focus when needed.
  • Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21: Trustworthy

    Element: Fire. Sagittarius is an outgoing, generous philosopher who tends to be intense and impatient. They need to be in touch with the world as much as possible, and this works well with their open-mindedness and love of travel. Fire signs don’t like being tied down or constrained by details. Even so, they are generous and loyal with their friends and family.
  • Capricorn: December 22 – January 19: Hard working

    Element: Earth. Capricorn’s are independent and philosophical leaders by nature. They are masters at self-control, able to manage themselves and others with great patience and perseverance. They do well maintaining stability and order by being both responsible and disciplined. While very intuitive and caring with others, they often keep their own problems to themselves.
  • Aquarius: January 20 – February 18: Free Spirited

    Element: Water. Aquarians are simple, shy, and tend to be quiet. But at the same time, they love being around others and engaging in lively, intelligent conversations. Dull conversations and situations bore them. They are humanitarian and excellent problem-solvers, since they are gifted at seeing both sides of the problem. They love time alone but need to be careful to not let this turn into laziness.
  • Pisces: February 19 – March 20: Dreamy

    Element: Water. Water signs love knowledge and are known for their wisdom, but they also keep a low profile in these intuitive tendencies. They are honest, friendly people who are easily generous and trusting—sometimes too trusting, as this can cause them to be taken advantage of if they’re not careful. Their empathetic nature allows them to be friends with many different kinds of people.

Learn your Energy Type.

Now take a look at the 4 Energy Types:

Type 1

A person with a dominant Type 1 expression is naturally an upward, light, upbeat, buoyant, and animated person. They have a high movement and keep things light and fun. They have a natural gift for ideas and the hope that it is possible. They may also have a tendency to appear random or scattered at times. They tend to have a youthful appearance due to the animated shapes like circles and points in their facial features.

Type 2

A person with a dominant Type 2 expression is naturally a fluid, flowing, gentle, relaxed, and calming person. This Type of person has a more subdued movement and keeps things flowing and comfortable. They have a natural gift for details and making plans to help us move forward. Being with this Type of person is calming and reassuring. They tend to have a dominance of S curves in their blended facial features.

Type 3

A person with a dominant Type 3 expression is naturally driven to action and big results. This Type of person has a swift, confident movement that pushes things and people into action to get it done. They can be overly confident at times without enough details in place and jump in too fast. They tend to have more textured skin, chiseled facial features, and a dominance of angles in their facial features.

Type 4

A person with a dominant Type 4 expression is naturally constant, still, precise, exact, and structured. They have a natural gift to step back, see the bigger picture and outcome, and know how to perfect it. They can be seen as too critical and negative by others, due to their natural response to see the flaw first. They tend to have porcelain skin and a dominance of parallel lines in their sculptured facial features.

Knowing the type of energy frequency that governs your sign will help you channel your impulses and determine how you manage relationships.

I’d love to hear how you relate to your zodiac sign. Does it correlate with your Energy Type? Leave me a comment and share what you’ve discovered.


Discover Your Energy Type Today

Resources to further support your Energy Profiling journey:

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