These 5 Components of Style Can Make or Break Your Look

What are the 5 components of style?

Do you ever feel like you just haven’t “gotten” it yet with Dressing Your Truth?

Do you not receive as many compliments some days as you do others?

You might need to revisit the 5 Components of Style. Soon you’ll create a new habit by incorporating all of them into your outfit each day!

In this video, I share five questions you can ask yourself, one for each component:

  • Clothing – “Is my clothing in alignment with my Key Words?”
  • Accessories – “Do my accessories add pop/details/substance/a bold statement?”
  • Makeup – “Does my makeup express my beauty code word in color and application?”
  • Hair – “Does my hairstyle reflect my Key Words in its color, cut, and style?”
  • Self-Care & Personal Development – “Am I taking caring of my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health true to my nature?”

Use these questions to enhance your experience and truly love the way you look!

Lifestyle series for each Type of beauty:

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