How Do Type 3’s Express Themselves?

The determined tribe! What are some ways Type 3's show their nature?

What are some qualities that Type 3’s just naturally express?

When we’re not thinking about who we “should” be, that’s when we effortlessly and naturally express our Energy Type. We don’t overthink. We don’t edit. We just live true to ourselves!

Do all Type 3’s share similar expressive qualities across the board? Yes, they do!

Think about it. You have a determined, push-forward, dynamic nature. Type 3 energy has an “mmph” quality that’s substantial and gets things done. So it makes sense that a Type 3 person would express themselves this way!

In this video, I talk about the similar ways Type 3’s express themselves:

(2:41) – Popular words and phrases

(4:00) – Type 3’s will do this particularly rude thing more than any other Type. Here’s why they do it and how to get better at breaking this habit!

(7:13) – Doodling

Want to learn even more about Type 3 expression?

Get my book, It’s Just My Nature for a deep-dive into Energy Profiling!

I also encourage you to go take my quiz so you can determine your Energy Type and begin the journey of transforming your life and your appearance to come alive as the true, authentic YOU!

Take the quiz & discover your Type!

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