Many of you are already familiar with the concept of Style Keywords, which guide your personal style and help you create a look that you feel amazing in.
Now we want to introduce you to the new idea of choosing 3 Personal Keywords to guide your personal energy every day.
In the Dressing Your Truth program, I teach you about the four Energy Types. Each Type has its own quality of movement and keywords that express this quality.
We have found that choosing personal keywords is a powerful way to stay in your Energy Type. Personal Keywords set the intention and put the energy in motion for you. They resonate and remind you of how you want your day to go, how you want to feel, and where you want to keep your mind.
Here’s an example of the keywords as found on the back of the Style Guide:
Type 1 Keywords: Bright, Animated, Upward, Light, Buoyant, Crisp, Fresh, Fun
Type 2 Keywords: Subtle, Soft, Fluid, Flowing, Relaxed, Blended, Muted
Type 3 Keywords: Rich, Dynamic, Active, Textured, Angular, Substantial, Swift
Type 4 Keywords: Bold, Striking, Constant, Still, Firm, Simple, Structured, Clean
These keywords are just a sample of the words you can choose from to guide your personal energy every day. Find a complete list of keywords for your Energy Type here: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4.
How to Choose Your Personal Keywords:
- Choose 3 words from your dominant Type that you identify with. Words that describe your personality or the energy you want to feel, as it is now or what you’d like it to be
- Optional: Choose 2 words from your dominant Type and 1 word from your secondary Type
- Now make your affirmation! Take your 3 keywords and create 1-2 statements that will remind you every day about the energy you want to create and feel.
That’s all there is to it!
Want some ideas? Let’s see it put into practice!
Each of the Dressing Your Truth Experts use this formula to create their Personal Keywords & Affirmations. Here’s an example of four of them:
Type 1
Type 1/4 Expert Jaleah’s Style Keywords are: Light, Fresh, Grounded
Light and fresh are Type 1 keywords. Grounded is her secondary Type 4 keyword.
- Light: “I chose light because I want feelings, and tasks, and my experience to feel and be light!”
- Fresh: “I want fresh experiences and keeping my outlook looking new.”
- Grounded: “I want to be grounded and which makes me feel well-rounded!”
Type 2
Type 2/3 Expert Anne’s Personal Keywords are: Flow, Connection, and Peace
Anne chose all Type 2 keywords for her formula.
- Flow: “I love the flow, meaning I’ve planned my day out wisely. I can flow from one activity to the other.”
- Connected: “I have harmonious interactions. Even if there’s something that needs to be worked out, we can do so harmoniously.”
- Peace: “I have peaceful feelings. That’s definitely a tendency we all relate to – to get some feelings of worry going on, and sometimes I let it get the better of me. That’s an opportunity to check back in. Are these feelings peaceful? If not, how can I correct and get back to them?”
Type 3
Type 3/2 Expert Sarah’s Style Keywords are: Adventure, Substance, and Connection
Adventure and Substance are Type 3 keywords. Connection is her secondary Type 2 keyword.
- Adventure: “Adventure is something I do a lot in my life. I find big adventures to conquer, but also little adventures every day. I’m an adventurous spirit. I love to hike, and bike, and get outside. But then I also am willing to take on a challenge, which is an adventure.”
- Substance and Connection: “I really want to connect with people in a substantial way. If you saw a window into my heart, that is the core of Sarah Tuttle. That’s how I can contribute to the world.”
Type 4
Type 4/1 Expert Kalista’s Personal Keywords are: Consistent, Simple, and Open
Consistent and Simple are Type 4 keywords. Open is her secondary Type 1 keyword.
- Consistent and Simple: “I find that in my life, it is better and creates more success to choose simple practices or routines that are in line with my goals and to be consistent with the implementation of those than it is to try to “get it all in” and fail to be consistent.”
- Open: “It combines both the Type 4 and Type 1 to me, because it’s that negative space for the Type 4, that place of free, clear thought, but also the place of possibility and options.”
Share in the comments your new Personal Keywords and how they will support you in having a better life.
I can’t wait to hear about your results!
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