Are you aging yourself with fashion mistakes?
It’s evident by the booming anti-aging industry that women are not interested in looking old! Before you go out and spend hundreds of dollars on products and procedures, make sure you are not doing yourself a disservice by committing these three fashion mistakes that will age you no matter how much skin cream you are using.
1. Staying Stuck In Outdated Trends- An aging factor happens when we stick to a trend too long, or we think we need them to be fashionable.
The definition of “trend” includes words like, “changing” and “prevailing inclination.”
Now, there’s nothing wrong with change, but that’s where many women get stuck! They cling to a trend from their younger years, emphasizing their age instead of defying it.
One of the fastest ways to freshen up your style is to incorporate a few current trends into your style. Knowing which trends to try can be a little tricky. That’s why I started Style School. Our next live Style School begins Sept 24. To participate join our Lifestyle membership.
Style School helps you interpret the currents trends and colors and work them into your own personal style. It’s not about cookie-cutter trends, it’s what makes you feel and look your best. We’ll help you breakout of the endless trends cycles and find whats best for you. Free yourself from the never-ending cycle of “what’s hot and what’s not!”
Define your own personal style! Let your inner light shine through, so your outward appearance matches who you are inside. No magazine can decide that for you. It comes from within.
2. Having No Real Style to Your Hair – Your overall look goes beyond fashion mistakes. You could be making a mistake with your hair, too.
After a certain age, women can find themselves in a hairstyle rut or even just giving up with the attitude of, “Well, it’s good enough for me. I’m not trying to impress anyone.”
Lady, you’re worth the investment of a little extra time and effort in the morning to help you feel confident all day long.
A trusted stylist can help you choose an anti-aging hairstyle that works for your life. They can even educate you on how to use the styling tool(s) and product to achieve what you created together in the salon.
Don’t just leave it at that. Re-evaluate your hairstyle every so often. What worked a couple of years ago might not be correct for you now.
3. Wearing a Lot of Black Clothes – Most women have too much black in their closet.
You’ve accepted some lies about black. For most women, black is not as flattering or sophisticated-looking as we’ve come to believe. Some women look phenomenal in black, but for most women, black’s stark quality enhances their wrinkles and facial lines, adding an instant ten years to their face.
Add some color back into your closet! The world is filled with beautiful colors, just waiting to be experienced by you. Once you bring color alive in your wardrobe, you’ll be saying, “I can’t believe I used to love the color black! I don’t miss it at all.”
Embrace ageless beauty.
Avoid aging fashion mistakes! Give yourself the style and fashion support you need. Take this free Dressing Your Truth Before & After online course. It’s a system that helps you create a unique and ageless style that’s truly you.