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Can You Be a Type 1 or Type 3 And Still Be An Introvert?

How introvert energy can show up in these "extrovert" Types

Think you can’t be a Type 1 or Type 3 because you’re not outgoing or “social”?

It’s a common mistake for people to mis-Type themselves because they have a certain understanding of what it means to be an introvert or extrovert.

When most people think of introverts or extroverts, they look at how someone would behave at a party, or whether or not they put themselves out there to talk to and meet people. But that’s only one interpretation of this, and it could be leading you to inaccurately Type yourself.

I want to clean that up!

How You Can Be a Type 1 or Type 3 & Also Be An Introvert

In this video, you’ll learn:

Introvert vs. Extrovert Energy – What does it mean? (Learn even more with this insightful video: Introvert or Extrovert? The Answer May Surprise You!)

Why you may write off Type 1 or Type 3 energy:

Self-Care Tips:

Why Facial Profiling is the most accurate assessment tool:

How has Energy Profiling made a difference in your life?

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If you’re brand new to Energy Profiling, take my free Beginner’s Guide to start the journey of discovering your Type. (It’s free!)

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