Our culture has a belief that as women grow older, they stop being cool or beautiful.
But at Dressing Your Truth, we’re busting that myth! Go Older Women!
In fact, as a 62-year-old woman myself, I’ve never felt more beautiful.
I look in the mirror and love what I see. My hairstyle expresses my Energy Type and personality so well! From a pixie cut to white hair, I want to encourage you to take your power back from societal norms and continue to express yourself, even as you age!
Let’s talk about hair colors today! You can still take risks, add fun styling, step out of the box, and change up your hair color if you want. There’s no reason to have “old lady hair” just because you’re over 60! Whether you have long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair, have bangs, or even if you’re experiencing hair loss or have thinning hair, we’ve got a hair color idea that’s perfect for you.
I’ve put together this list of hair color for older women that will be best for you as you mature.
The Best 6 Hair Colors for Older Women Over 60
1. Silver Fox
Silver, ashy, blond, and platinum are indeed the most popular hair color choices for women over 60. And with good reason!
Instead of coloring to hide your grey hair, you can choose to embrace it. I’ve seen way too many women with poorly colored dark brown hair color that just doesn’t look natural or flattering.
Your 60s can be the perfect time to give this silver hair color a try, especially if a large percentage of graying hair already.
You may be worried that gray hair will just make you look haggard, but there’s a way to go gray without looking old.
In Lifestyle, we have premium content to support you in transitioning to gray hair:
How to Transition to Gray Hair: Tips for All 4 Energy Types
2. Platinum
Platinum hair color can be a great way to stop resisting the growth of grey, and just go with the flow! Because platinum already looks so much like white or light gray hair, your roots won’t matter. And any stray greys that sneak in will just add dimension and sheen.
Plus, platinum is very trendy right now, so your stylist or colorist will know exactly what to do to make this transition easy and stylish.
Typically, I would recommend platinum for Type 4 women in my Dressing Your Truth community. It’s an icy, cool color that will work best for your Type of beauty.
3. Ash Blonde
This is another fabulous option because it blends well with gray hair.
Your stylist could add highlights, lowlights, or balayage throughout for added dimension. This way when your gray hair starts to grow in, it will look like it’s just part of the hairstyle!
Another reason why ash-blonde hair color is a great choice is that it looks like your natural hair color and compliments your skin tone as you grow older.
This hair color option will work best for Type 1 and Type 2 women in my Dressing Your Truth system.
For Type 1 women, you’ll want to go with less “ash” and more “warm.” Think of bright, sunny highlights and wispy pieces of hair.
For Type 2 women, you can go “ashy” since it’s a cool tone. Blended highlights that don’t stand out too much will work best.
4. Bright Red
Redheads, the ultimate show-stopper! If you have naturally black or brunette hair, this dark red hair color will look incredible on you.
There’s no way around it: this dark hair color will require more upkeep. But the reward will be worth it!
The best tip for this hair color: play up your eyes with makeup. Because this is such a dramatic color, you don’t want your eyes to get lost under the color. Use darker colors, eyeliner, and mascara to make your eyes stand out.
While every Type of woman could pull off a red hairstyle, this dark red looks incredible on Type 3 women. Type 3 women look best in warm, rich, substantial shades. Add some angles and edge, and you’ll feel fabulous!
You may be wondering how to choose the best red hair color for your Type. This is a great question because not all reds will work for everyone!
In this Lifestyle video, Can Every Type Have Red Hair? Nicole tells you exactly what to look for when choosing red hair. You’ll be glad you watched it!
5. Gray With a Color Accent or Highlight
You’re a unique and interesting woman-why not add a splash of color to show your personality?
Based on your Energy Type, I recommend the following tips to help you add the perfect hair color accents, true to your Type:
Type 1 – Go for warm caramel or sunkissed colors that are randomly placed and light up your face Type 2 – Softer, more muted undertones will look lovely blended into your gray hair Type 3 – You can go more adventurous, edgy, and dynamic with richer, deeper colors Type 4 – Think bold, dramatic-make a statement. Stark contrast will look amazing.
When Michelle transitioned to gray hair, she added accents of purple to express herself. Watch her Step-By-Step Guide here.
6. White
This falls under the same mindset as silver fox gray-it’s all about embracing your age and natural color, rather than trying to hide it!
Going completely white is different from blonde or platinum. It’s a dramatic, bold color, ideal for women who want to make a statement.
In my Dressing Your Truth system, I recommend this choice for Type 1 or Type 4 women. Both Types of women can hold this kind of white, whereas it will not work as well for the soft and subtle Type 2 woman or the rich and dynamic Type 3 woman.
There you have it, the best hair colors for older women over 60! These 6 hair colors support women in embracing their age rather than being ashamed of it. For more inspiration on how to look and feel great as you age, you’ll enjoy my recent post about hairstyles that make you look younger.
If you’re over 60, what other hair colors do you like? Share in a comment below!
Women in my Dressing Your Truth community share all the time how knowing their Type of beauty helped them embrace their true selves!

Nancy, a Bright and Animated Type 1 woman shares this picture. In the first picture, she was 64. In the second picture, she’s 70!
I would say her hair color falls under the “silver fox” category. Doesn’t she look great!
With Dressing Your Truth, I teach you that having a great hairstyle is more than just color. It’s also about getting the correct cut and style to match your natural movement. Thousands of women who discover their Energy Type and get the correct hairstyle and best hair color are amazed at how much better they look and feel.
Want to Find the Perfect Hairstyle? (We know you do.)
We made it easy to find the best hairstyle that will work for you. Just take the 9-question quiz to get your results!
Let’s get you looking and feeling incredible with a new hairstyle you’ll love!