Don’t you just love guessing another person’s Type?
As a Dressing Your Truth Lifestyle member, I make a point to give you many opportunities to guess someone’s Type, using your facial profiling skills.
Twice a month in our Lifestyle Facebook group, I hold #TruthBomb sessions. This is when we select participants who are looking for guidance determining their Type, and then we ask them to post pictures of their faces and hands.
The Lifestyle members get a chance to give feedback and guess their Types, and then I give the final confirmation at the end.
This time, we did something different: we profiled men! Women submitted their partner’s photos because, together as a couple, they were stumped on his Type.
Let’s take their photos and do our own #TruthBomb session right now!
Can you guess these men’s Types?
Here’s how this will go! Look at the photos below for each man and use your face profiling skills to take a guess. Read through their explanation and see if your answer matches up with what they think. Then, after you’ve decided on a Type, scroll to the bottom to see if you’re correct.
1. Sue’s Husband
First, meet Jeff. Here’s what his wife Sue had to say:
“I think my husband is a Type 4 because of his body language and physical features. He has the classic T4 expressions: little movement in limbs, body is very upright and stately, lower pitch voice, rectangular face with a cleft chin, oval eyes, and straight nose bridge. He is a perfectionist and his own authority. He completed the Men’s Course and Typed himself as a 4/3. I am not sure though, because he can be very sensitive and I notice a downward movement in his eyes. He also has tapered fingers, which is a T2 trait, but the nail beds have straight parallel lines. I see Type 3 in the tip of his nose. Keep in mind that I mistyped myself for several years and for this reason we are asking for your help. “
2. Jami’s Husband
Next up is Jami’s husband. They both think he’s a different Type. Who’s correct? She shares:
“He thinks he is a Type 3/2 or 3/4 because he knows that he definitely has a presence when he enters a room. People around him never know whether he is mad or happy if he is just sitting and not conversing with people. He can get a lot done in a day, but also has a routine and order to the things he does in the morning and at night. He always is just ready to go. He is social when he wants, but what he says is taken wrong by some people because his words are somewhat unfiltered, even though his tone is kind. He is very tidy and clean. In 15 years of marriage, I have never had to pick up after him, or remind him to do things. He sees that something needs to be done and does it. He has been this way his whole life according to his mother.
“I personally think he is a Type 4/3 because we are so similar, yet astronomically different. When picking out clothes, he always thinks he wants something with a picture on it, then goes for a regular plain t-shirt, or a polo shirt that makes him look like a retired golfer… he has never golfed. He doesn’t like to wear anything like watches, or jewelry and has to wear something the isn’t restricting his movement throughout the day. He also doesn’t get pushed around by people or is a people-pleaser. He does things because he believes they are right in his beliefs and thinking. He’s not mean about it when he does tell people no.”
3. Angela’s Husband
Now let’s meet Angela’s husband. She shares:
“I think my husband Jeremiah is a primary Type 2 because: physical – oval face shape, his eyebrows are a long S curve, he has the big, almond-shaped eyes and he has long fingers with beautiful oval nail beds; body language – smooth walk (can’t hear him coming), he has a soft, deep voice and sometimes it sounds like he’s mumbling, and he has an S-curve to his body when he’s sitting and standing; behavioral tendencies – introverted energy, soft-spoken, gentle and calm yet strong and manly, values comfort in clothing and his surroundings, methodical and high attention to detail, and he likes to stick to plans in everything he does especially in his daily weight lifting. Last, but not least, he looks amazing in the type two colors.
“I am not sure though, because I notice some angles in his jaw and nose and his high cheekbones which makes me think type 3 (maybe it’s his secondary?)”
4. Patty’s Husband
And last but not least, let’s meet Patty’s husband:
“We think my husband is a Type 1 because he always uses the word fun, “That’s no fun” and “You’re no fun.” He needs change eg. buys a boat or a motorcycle uses it for a year or 2 and then is shopping for new ones. Things get old and boring. He doesn’t like to do the same things, needs new experiences. I see circles on his chin and around his eyes. Others think he is younger than he is. But we are not sure because he is very punctual; he is never late. He tends to push forward with projects to get them done so we can go do something fun. Who cares what it looks like as long as it is finished.”
Ready to find out who’s correct?
Here are the answers!
1. Sue’s Husband
He’s a Fresh and Fun Type 1 man!
Here’s what Sue shared about the experience:
“What a surprise for both of us! I have to admit, since the #TruthBomb, I see a lightness in my husband that I haven’t seen in a long time. He already had a couple of items in his summer wardrobe that fit Type 1. Thank you Carol and team for this enlightening experience!”
2. Jami’s Husband
He got it right! He is a Passionate and Dynamic Type 3 man!
Jami was thrilled. “Thank you, Carol! He was glad to find out he’s a 3/2 as that is what he felt he was after reading It’s Just My Nature, and watching the Men’s Course. He wasn’t certain though, because of his military upbringing, and thought maybe his impressions were due to child wounding. He’s glad to know he really has just been himself this whole time.”
3. Angela’s Husband
It was a surprise to Angela—because Jeremiah is a Bold & Distinct Type 4 Man!
Angela’s reflection is awesome to read: “How did I not see that?!? We now see it not only in face profiling but also when we read about the T4 child in The Child Whisperer and reading about T4 in It’s Just My Nature Thank you to Carol for her expertise and willingness to help us in my husband’s journey to learn his truth! Additionally, this knowledge has already helped him in his quest to heal from some of his childhood pains. What a blessing it is to know one’s Type and live true to it.”
4. Patty’s Husband
He is an Easy-Going & Observant Type 2 Man!
This one stumped a few members, so be sure to notice the overall energy of his facial features. You’ll see downward movement in his features, and a blended quality to his appearance. It feels more “soft” than it does bright (Type 1), dynamic (Type 3), or bold (Type 4).
How many did you guess correctly?
Whether you aced them all or missed the mark on a couple, it’s always an educational experience that enhances your own DYT journey! If your husband, boyfriend, father, or son doesn’t know their Types yet, get them the course that was made specifically for men.
In addition, you can join Lifestyle and ask to be a candidate for our next #TruthBomb session! Just become an annual Lifestyle member and write in to [email protected] to be considered! We’d love to have you!