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Quick & Colorful Spring Makeup Looks (and Our First “Nude” Type 4 Makeup Collection!)

How makeup could be your second-easiest step of the day!

We think putting on your makeup should be as easy as getting dressed (and Dressing Your Truth makes that the easiest step in your day!).

Would you like to complete your eye makeup with as few as one brush? What about not worrying about the colors matching? Looking for colored mascara? How about an utterly neutral makeup look?

The Dressing Your Truth Experts have got you covered, and some, with NEW makeup colors sure to delight!

We remove the guesswork so that you can enjoy more confidence in your makeup experience! With simple-to-master techniques and quality products and tools, you can effortlessly try something new. We want to show you how makeup can be fast and fun.

It all starts with primer and the right tools. Having the right brushes and knowing how to use them correctly makes all the difference.

Watch the video for your Type of beauty (or all four for extra tips) as your DYT Expert walks you through a quick and colorful (or no-color for Type 4s) makeup look that will help you feel fabulous in no time at all! We feature some new items and a few classic favorites.

Type 1 – Feel glorious with Jaleah’s purple and pink spring makeup look! (Purple mascara, anyone?!)

  • (2:18) Cheeks, (3:16) Eyes, (8:12) Lips

Type 2 – Anne’s green and brown makeup look is as simple as it is beautiful. (Ready for a one-brush eyeshadow look?)

  • (00:30) Eyes, (8:08) Cheeks, (8:36) Lips

Type 3 – This makeup look starts out neutral, then Anne K amps it up with rich greens! (Did you know green mascara could be this cool?)

  • (00:48) Cheeks, (1:17) Eyes, (8:42) Lips

Type 4 – It’s finally here, Kalista brings you the one you’ve all been asking for! An utterly neutral Type 4 makeup look!

  • (1:37) Eyes, (11:00) Cheeks, (12:32) Lips

Could you be having more fun with your makeup? Add in something new and fresh to welcome in the springtime!

Shop the new spring makeup collections!

Featured Makeup Brushes

Type 1 Makeup

Type 2 Makeup

Type 3 Makeup

Type 4 Makeup

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