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Style School Live: Carol’s Tips to Fine-Tune Your Unique Style

Get lots of full outfit suggestions, plus-size style tips, hair advice, and so much more!

Ready to take all you’ve been learning about Fall/Winter trends and turn them into true-to-YOU styles?

Let’s see it all in action! This Style School Live features two women of every Type, while I give feedback on style, her secondary, and maybe even her hair!

It’s all about noticing what makes each woman innately beautiful, and then highlighting that!

Style School is not “Trends School” — if you’re like most women, you don’t really care about being trendy. And yet, we live in a fashion world that roles out new styles twice a year: spring/summer, and then fall/winter. That’s why we have created this event so that you can have the knowledge you need to incorporate those popular styles into a look that’s unique, current, and true-to Type!

What’s On the Call:

  • (2:55) – I share why Style School is not just about clothes! It is a key to self-confidence, self-improvement, and self-love. This might be triggering for some of you—and I explain why. You can find healing just by showing up to this event!

Want even deeper healing? As a complimentary gift for being a Lifestyle Member, I invite you to a two-week free trial of the Carol Tuttle Healing Center so you can experience my Two-Week Healing Plan for Beauty and Self-Image.

  • (9:46) – Success Story! Holly posted in the Lifestyle Facebook Group looking for feedback about plus-size style options. This sparked advice and encouragement, leading her to totally rock her wide-leg jeans and oversized sweater! Way to go, Holly. Style School is all about getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things!
  • (15:40) – What shoes look great with the wide-leg pants? You’ll want something with more substance, booties, or stylish sneakers.
  • (18:37) – Thrift Store Tips: How I set the intention before I go shopping and how I don’t just stick to the women’s sections!

Another way to make shopping easy? Check out our DYT Online Store!

Get 20% off with STYLESCHOOL20

Live Guests

Type 1:

  • (25:09) – Brenda isn’t sure about her secondary. She loves texture, substance, and lots of movement. Even her hair is telling! What secondary do you think she is?
  • (35:40) – Question: Is Gingham Only Type 4?

Type 2:

  • (36:50) – Carla is looking for feedback about her secondary. She’s giving it away with her top! See if she’s correct. She’ll also get some hair advice to honor her secondary as well.
  • (50:47) – Question: Can a Type 4/2 wear that kind of shawl collar?

Type 3:

  • (51:08) – Shauna wants secondary support! She’s leaning toward a Type, so let’s find out if she’s correct by looking at her style choices. She’ll get hair tips to bring out her textured lob.

Type 4:

  • (1:02:50) – Sue is unsure about her secondary. Watch as she finally gets a confirmation when she describes what and why she loves certain fashion choices! Then I give her insights on up-leveling her style.
  • (1:08:35) – Juliana is interested in confirming her secondary (she gets that confirmation in 2 seconds!) and wants to learn how to bring in more bold geometry patterns.
  • (1:16:30) Question: Does the order of the Yin/Yang profile matter or is it just how many you have of each?

There we have it! Keep on participating in Style School with all of us.

I can’t wait to watch you try new things, post all about it, and encourage each other along the way! You all are part of an incredible group of women who make Lifestyle one of the most transformative and enjoyable places online!

Go shopping & get 20% off with STYLESCHOOL20

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