You may have similar concerns as Jennifer, who just learned she is a soft & subtle Type 2 woman in my Energy Profiling system. Jennifer recently wrote to me with the following question:
“As I look into my closet, I think I have maybe 5 items that are Type 2. I feel a little overwhelmed by how much I will get rid of. Any suggestions/thoughts to make it seem less daunting?”
As a Dressing Your Truth newbie, you may be thinking and feeling, “Wow! How am I going to replace my wardrobe and find my own personal style without it costing me a lot of time and money?”
I get it! None of us wants to waste our time and money!
If you’re having a similar experience to Jennifer’s, I suggest these resources to support you:
- The FREE Dressing Your Truth Beginner’s Guide – Make sure you have gone through this free course to fully understand what items you’re looking for. You’ll save yourself time and money once you understand the basics of your Type.
- Your List of Essentials for Every Season of the Year
- How to Create a New Wardrobe on a Budget in 3 Easy Steps
- 8 Items, 8 Outfits – this is a community favorite! It’s a Lifestyle series showing that it doesn’t take a lot of clothes to create a lot of options when you start Dressing Your Truth!
- Basic Essentials – another series that’s part of the Lifestyle membership showing that you only need about 20 clothing items to create a basic wardrobe!
Along with even more amazing content available to help you dress and live your truth, there are tens of thousands of amazing women to cheer you on.
I asked the women of our Dressing Your Truth Lifestyle community to share their best tips for Jennifer since I knew they had also been on this same journey. Here are some of my favorite tips they shared:
“As you add a new piece of Type 2 clothing, remove one non-Type 2 piece. I started that way initially but then soon realized I would never go back to black, so I pulled all the black at once. As you get used to knowing what feels right, you will find it easy to get rid of items because you just won’t want to wear them!” -Karin M.
“When I started doing DYT, I gave myself a small clothing budget each month. I was unwilling to dress against my Type, so I gradually increased my wardrobe by requesting clothing money for birthdays, Christmas, Mother’s Day, anniversary, etc. I also went to thrift stores and used a capsule concept, so that things would be able to be used in multiple ways. Finally, I got a few basic jewelry pieces. Now, I have an adequate wardrobe, and when I increase it, I can be pickier and spend more per item” -Elizabeth B.
“I recommend going slowly at first. If you haven’t done the 30 Day Challenge, it’s an excellent place to start. You don’t have to get rid of all your non-Type clothes immediately. Pack them away and re-evaluate at the end of the challenge. Also, you may be surprised what you can find at thrift stores. Set the intention of finding what you need there and you will. Last time I went I was looking for a plaid shirt. I found four.” -Amie K.
“Save things you really love for a while. Some I almost tossed turned out to be my Type after all! Some did well with a dye bath. Goodwill had some great finds to help. – Joan M. (I highly recommend purchasing the Style Kit to help you determine if a piece you love is true to your Type of beauty!)
When you purchase your own Style Kit, it will make shopping a dream. In addition, you’ll be eligible to join your Energy Type’s private Facebook group for community support. Imagine getting outfit and life inspiration every day of your life from women who know and understand you.
Many women have shared with me that it’s the most supportive space on the Internet!
So, while you are building that new wardrobe, join the Dressing Your Truth community and get connected with like-minded women who honestly are some of the most beautiful women inside and out that you will ever meet.

PS: If you’re already Dressing Your Truth and loving it, become a Lifestyle member. With your membership, you can join the Lifestyle Facebook group, where thousands of women spur each other on every day. There are women ready and waiting to share their insights with you. We would love to have you join us.