Once you learn about Energy Profiling, you want to know the Types of everyone in your life!
That’s why I’ve put together the following Celebrity Gallery for Type 1. Share it with your friends and have fun with Energy Profiling!
Type 1 – Upward & Light
A person with a dominant Type 1 expression is naturally an upward, light, upbeat, buoyant, and animated person. They have a high movement and keep things light and fun. They have a natural gift for ideas and the hope that it is possible. They may also have a tendency to appear random or scattered at times. They tend to have a very youthful appearance due to animated shapes like circles and points in their facial features.
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The Official List of Type 1 Celebrities
Adams, Amy
Aguilera, Christina
Alexander, Jason
Anderson, Pamela
Andrews, Julie
Armstrong, Neil
Astin, John Allen (Gomez Addams)
Barker, Bob
Bailey, Jonathan
Barrymore, Drew
Beckham, David
Bening, Annette
Bezos, Jeff
Bezos, Mackenzie
Biden, Jill
Black, Jack
Bocelli, Andrea
Bolt, Usain
Brady, Wayne
Braga, Alice
Bravo, Lucas
Brodie-Sangster, Thomas
Brinkley, Christy
Bryant, Kobe
Burnett, Carol
Burr, Aaron
Caillat, Colbie
Cannon, Nick
Carnes, Kim
Carey, Mariah
Carrey, Jim
Carson, Johnny
Chalamet, Timothee
Chan, Jackie
Chase, Chevy
Chenowth, Kristin
Child, Julia
Clark, Dick
Cleary, Beverly
Clinton, Bill
Collins, Lily
Connery, Sean
Connick Jr., Harry
Coolidge, Jennifer
Couric, Katie
Covey, Stephen
Crystal, Billy
Cuoco, Kaley
Dahl, Roald
Day, Doris
DeGeneres, Ellen
Denver, John
DeVine, Adam
Diaz, Cameron
Disney, Walt
Downey Jr., Robert
Dunst, Kirsten
Dunster, Phil
Dyer, Wayne
Dynevor, Phoebe
Eden, Donna
Faltskog, Agnetha
Fawcett, Farrah
Fernandez, Leylah
Fey, Tina
Field, Sally
Fisher, Carrie
Foy, Claire
Franklin, Benjamin
Freeman, Morgan
Gambon, Michael
Garfield, Andrew
Garland, Judy
Garner, Jennifer
Giedroyc, Mel
Gomez, Selena
Goto, Midori
Grande, Ariana
Grandma Moses
Grant, Cary
Green, Ceelo
Groff, Jonathan
Gunn, Rachael
Hamill, Mark
Hiddleston, Tom
Hurts, Jalen
Prince Harry
Hartley, Justin
Harvey, Steve
Hawn, Goldie
Hay, Louise
Heard, Amber
Henderson, Florence
Hetfield, James
Heughan, Sam
Holland, Tom
Hudgens, Vanessa
Ingram, James
Ingram, Moses
Jackson, Michael
Jardine, Al
Jarreau, Al
Joel, Billy
John, Elton
Jordan, Michael
Judd, Naomi
Kelce, Jason
Kennedy, John F.
Keys, Alicia
King Charles III of England
King Frederik X of Denmark
King George III of England
Klein, Calvin
Knight, Christopher
Kudrow, Lisa
Lambert, Miranda
Lauper, Cyndi
LeBlanc, Matt
Ledecky, Katie
Lee, Sunisa
Letterman, David
Levy, Eugene
Lewis, Huey
Lil Nas X
Loggins, Kenny
Lookinland, Mike
Louis-Dreyfus, Julia
Love, Mike
MacDowell, Andie
Macht, Gabriel
Mandrell, Barbara
Marley, Bob
Mars, Bruno
McAdams, Rachel
McCartney, Paul
McClanahan, Rue
McCormick, Maureen
McFarland, Seth
McGuire, Tobey
McKellen, Ian
McTavish, Graham
Medvedev, Daniil
Melling, Harry
Menzies, Tobias
Mirren, Helen
Monroe, Marilyn
Montgomery, Elizabeth
Montgomery, Lucy Maud
Moore, Julianne
Moore, Mandy
Moran, Erin
Mouse, Minnie
Murphy, Eddie
Murray, Bill
Myers, Elyse
Ndifornyen, Akemnji
Nelson, Willie
Norton, Graham
Nyong’o, Lupita
Olsen, Susan
Osborne, Mary Pope
Osmond, Marie
Paevey, Ryan
Page, Regé-Jean
Palin, Sarah
Parton, Dolly
Paul, Ron
Perry, Steve
Perry, Matthew
Poehler, Amy
Potts, Annie
Pratt, Chris
Presley, Priscilla
Preston, Carrie
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex
Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh
Raducanu, Emma
Rauch, Melissa
Ray, Rachel
Redmayne, Eddie
Regan, Brian
Reubens, Paul (aka Pee Wee Herman)
Richards, Michael
Rogers, Kenny
Ross, Diana
Rudd, Paul
Ryan, Meg
Sajak, Pat
Samberg, Adam
Sanders, Bernie
Santa Claus
Scott, Adam
Shepard, Sherry
Silverstein, Shel
Silverstone, Alicia
Simmons, Richard
Simon, Paul
Smith, Sam
Smith, Will
Snoop Dogg
Spacek, Sissy
Spears, Britney
Springfield, Rick
Springsteen, Bruce
Steele, Danielle
Streep, Meryl
Sudekis, Jason
Temple, Juno
Temple, Shirley
Teplin, Joanna
The Weeknd
Tomei, Marisa
Trainor, Meghan
Twiggy (Leslie Hornby)
Underwood, Carrie
Van Dyke, Dick
Wagner, Robert
Walls, Tim
White, Betty
Wilder, Gene
Williams, Barry
Williams, Robin
Wilson, Owen
Winkler, Henry
Witherspoon, Reese
Wonder, Stevie
Wood, Natalie
Woods, Tiger
Wu, Constance
Yankovic, Weird Al
Yosafzai, Malala