Once you learn about Energy Profiling, you want to know the Types of everyone in your life!
That’s why I’ve put together the following Celebrity Gallery for Type 2. Share it with your friends and have fun with Energy Profiling!
Type 2 – Soft & Subtle
A person with a dominant Type 2 expression is naturally a fluid, flowing, gentle, relaxed, and calming person. This Type of person has a more subdued movement and keeps things flowing and comfortable. They have a natural gift for details and making plans to help us move forward. Being with this Type of person is calming and reassuring. They tend to have a dominance of S curves in their blended facial features.
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The Official List of Type 2 Celebrities
Alba, Jessica
Angelou, Maya
Aniston, Jennifer
Aparico, Yalitza
Bacharach, Burt
Bargatze, Nate
Beatty, Warren
Bogart, Humphrey
Bonneville, Hugh
Bourdain, Anthony
Bowman, Bob
Boyega, John
Braxton, Toni
Brees, Drew
Bridges, Jeff
Brooks, Garth
Buble, Michael
Buffet, Warren
Butler, Gerard
Camp, Bill
Carson, Ben
Carter, Jim
Cash, June Carter
Clooney, George
Conrad, Lauren
Cooper, Bradley
Costas, Bob
Crowe, Russell
Cruz, Ted
Curie, Marie
Dalai Lama
Daniels, Jeff
Davis, Geena
Davis, Viola
Dempsey, Patrick
Diesel, Vin
Diggs, Daveed
Duff, Hilary
Dylan, Bob
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Franklin, Aretha
Gaffigan, Jim
Gaines, Chip
Gates, Bill
Gere, Richard
Giraud, Matt
Goff, Jared
Gordon-Levitt, Joseph
Gosling, Ryan
Grant, Hugh
Hanks, Tom
Harington, Kit
Harrison, George
Heap, Imogen
Helberg, Simon
Helms, Ed
Hemsworth, Chris
Hollywood, Paul
Hudson, Jennifer
Hayek, Selma
Jackson, Randy
James, Lily
Jobs, Lauren Powell
Johansson, Scarlett
Johnson, Dakota
Johnson, Don
Johnson, Jack
Jolie, Angelina
Kelce, Travis
Kelly, Grace
King Jr., Martin Luther
Kors, Michael
Krasinski, John
Kravitz, Lenny
Lansbury, Angela
Ledger, Heath
Leno, Jay
Leonard, Kawhi
Lewis, C.S.
Lewis, Matthew Dennis
Long, Shelley
Macfarlane, Luke
MacIntyre, Scott
Manilow, Barry
Manning, Payton
Marshall, Amber
Martin, Kelly
Martin, Steve
May-Treano, Misty
Mayer, John
McConaughey, Matthew
McGraw, Tim
Mclachlan, Sarah
Miller, Bode
Miranda, Lin-Manuel
Mohammed, Nick
Mona Lisa
Mother Teresa
Novak, BJ
Oldman, Gary
Olsen, Ashley
Page, Sam
Peck, Gregory
Presley, Elvis
Prince William of Wales
Princess Diana of Wales
Reed, Robert (Mr. Brady – Brady Bunch)
Reid, Noah
Reynolds, Ryan
Rice, Damien
Rickman, Alan
Ritchie, Lionel
Robbins, Tim
Roberts, Julia
Rodgers, Aaron
Rogers, Fred
Ronan, Saoirse
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rowling, J.K.
Ryan, Matt
Sandler, Adam
Schwimmer, David
Scott, Naomi
Seymour, Jane
Seinfeld, Jerry
Smith, Jaclyn
Stevens, Dan
Stewart, Jimmy
Streisand, Barbra
Sutherland, Keifer
Tannehill, Ryan
Tatum, Channing
Taylor, James
Thompson, Emma
Trebek, Alex
Trump, Baron
Trump, Eric
Vance, JD
Willis, Bruce
Wilson, Brian
Wilton, Penelope
Worthington, Sam
Zellweger, Renee
Zuckerberg, Mark