“How can I profile the men in my life?”
I get asked this all the time! Women always want to profile their husbands, fathers, brothers—because it’s so enjoyable!
As the creator of Energy Profiling and Dressing Your Truth, I tell people time and time again that the #1 most accurate assessment tool to determine someone’s Type is Facial Profiling. Watch all 4 videos for each Type! Even though they show women’s faces, they will help you understand the mechanics of Facial Profiling much better.
Let’s go over what I look for when I profile Type 1 men:
(2:00) – Type 1 men will have an animated, youthful quality to their faces. They will look bright and upward, lively and fresh!
(3:30) – I bring pictures of different Type 1 men on the screen and point out the shapes and movement of Type 1 energy. For more photos, check out the Type 1 Celebrity Gallery here!
(7:14) – What are the personality qualities of a Type 1 man? I list them here—and I bet you’ll be able to easily detect Type 1 men in your life now!
(7:37) – It’s vital to live your truth! I share what can go awry in their world when they suppress their Type 1 energy. What makes them thrive and shine?
Do you have any Type 1 men in your life? Share what you admire about them in a comment below!
Let’s go over what I look for when I profile Type 2 men:
(1:38) – A Type 2 man will be detailed and easy-going in his overall general nature. But if you give him a reason to retreat and go within, he will! Think of a turtle! When it feels threatened, it retreats.
(2:00) – Type 2 men will have a relaxed, fluid, inviting quality to their faces. They will look softened and blended in their facial features.
(3:03) – What’s the phenomenon that probably 80% of Type 2 men have in common? It’s the “just in case” characteristic that I share here.
(4:00) – I bring pictures of different Type 2 men on the screen and point out the shapes and movement of Type 2 energy. For more photos, check out the Type 2 Celebrity Gallery here!
(7:55) – It’s important for a Type 2 man to be honored for his true nature, instead of being shamed for it or being made to feel as though he isn’t “man” enough.
Do you have any Type 2 men in your life? Share what you admire about them in a comment below!
Let’s go over what I look for when I profile Type 3 men:
(2:24) – A Type 3 man is dynamic and rugged when it comes to personality – but you’ll see this in his face, along with a lot of texture.
(2:45) – Type 3 men will have triangles, rectangles, angles, and deep points in their facial features.
(3:03) – Let’s bust the stereotype that a Type 3 man is someone who only likes the outdoors and physical challenges. Their determined spirit and drive for adventure could be directed toward a passion for cooking or learning, for example. Let’s open the space for all kinds of Type 3 men!
(4:00) – I bring pictures of different Type 3 men on the screen and point out the shapes and movement of Type 3 energy. For more photos, check out the Type 3 Celebrity Gallery here!
(7:05) – By nature, Type 3 people have a “get to the point” and “get it done” kind of attitude, so think of presenting information to them in a practical, bullet-point kind of way. This goes for information about Energy Profiling, and about the DYT Men’s Course where they can learn how to dress their truth.
Do you have any Type 3 men in your life? Share what you admire about them in a comment below!
Let’s go over what I look for when I profile Type 4 men:
(1:55) – A Type 4 man is unique, distinct, and precise when it comes to personality – but you’ll see this in his face, along with a lot of symmetry.
(3:30) – Type 4 men will have exact, structured, and bold in their facial features. You’ll see squares and ovals, as well as straight and parallel lines.
(4:25) – I bring pictures of different Type 4 men on the screen and point out the shapes and movement of Type 4 energy. For more photos, check out the Type 4 Celebrity Gallery here!
(8:40) – Type 4 men can look so serious and focused – but does this mean they’re not expressive? I share when and how a Type 4 man will open up and be more expressive.
Speaking of personal expression…