Things You Naturally Do Every Day that Tell You Who You Are

Do you do these things—and what do they say about you?

What is one thing you do naturally every day that shows your true self—without you even thinking about it?

Think about your body language, the way you move, your thoughts and feelings process, and personality. You might even need to ask a third party person in your life because you probably don’t even notice it when you’re just living true to who you are.

Is it that you need something fun to look forward to every day? Do you need to accomplish something and check it off your list? Is it that you check the time to make sure you’re on track? Do you check in emotionally, to see how your comfort level is?

On this episode of my talk show, #EnergyProfilingWithCarol, I’m here with the Dressing Your Truth Experts as we talk about ways our true energy shows up in our daily lives.

When you’re not thinking about who you are, that’s when you’re most naturally who you are!

You’ll also see face profiling on each of the DYT Experts, so you can gain a better understanding of this essential assessment tool!

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